Season 2 Ep. 4: Taking meetings down once and for all with Loom

According to Atlassian’s study on teamwork, meetings are ineffective 72% of the time and the #1 barrier to productivity. Join Atlassian teamwork experts Molly Sands, Head of Team Anywhere Lab, and Joe Thomas, Co-founder of Loom, to dive into the problem with meetings and explore solutions to shake up your collaboration status quo. 

Meet the #1 barrier to productivity: read the full report.

Molly Sands
Molly Sands
Head of Team Anywhere Lab, Atlassian
 Joe Thomas
Joe Thomas
Former CEO & Co-Founder of Loom
 Mark Cruth
Mark Cruth
Modern Work Coach, Atlassian
Season 2 Ep. 4: Taking meetings down once and for all with Loom
Webinar: Season 2 Ep. 4: Taking meetings down once and for all with Loom by Atlassian